Wednesday, January 27, 2021

It's all about butterflies

Sometimes you consider someone special,

Miles away from you, but live in your heart

You let them enter your lives,

your mind and surrender your heart and soul to them

They come close, make you feel special, 

You can feel the butterflies when you engage in a conversation with them

You try to change for them, you change for them,

As time passes they don't come closer to you but move faraway

You cry for them, you need them

You try to leave but they come back and the loop continues

But one day, you emerge stronger

You have the audacity to leave them, collecting pieces of your heart and join them like before

You don't hate them or curse them,

You just leave them, not for the mental peace and all that shit

You let them go, feel hurt, feel sad and emerge better. You make room for welcoming someone, who can give you butterflies again

You make room for someone who truly cares for you, not only when you are sick,

You make room for someone who has time for you on the busiest of the days,

You make room for someone who is always just a call away,

You make room for someone who waits for you when you are in the loo,

You make room for someone who talks to you in sleep,

You make room for someone who motivates you and not pressurises you to work hard for your dreams,

The room is ready for welcoming the butterflies. It's all about butterflies❤️