Wednesday, January 20, 2016

FR Amendments May 2016

Well, There is a lot of confusion regarding changes in paper 1 - Financial Reporting syllabus for may 16 attempt. Here is a solution to all confusions;

1. All old AS
2. All Ind AS carve outs or differences
3. Ind AS 32, 107 & 109 in detail
4. give a overview to summary of IndAS only
5. suppllemntry of revised chaptr 2 for may 16 attempt wch will contain all carve outs of Ind AS
Same is hosted on ICAI site here :

6. Revised chapter 6 of stdy material wch will cover accounting and reporting of financial instruments I.e. Ind AS 32, 107 & 109

Which you can download at :

Not Applicable:-
1. chapter 2 & 6 of Jan 15 study materials

2. All Ind As in detail

Hope, this helps. Follow me, if it did help.

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